/*! * viewer v0.5.1 * https://github.com/fengyuanchen/viewer * * copyright (c) 2015-2016 fengyuan chen * released under the mit license * * date: 2016-03-11t07:57:59.486z */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // amd. register as anonymous module. define('viewer', ['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // node / commonjs factory(require('jquery')); } else { // browser globals. factory(jquery); } })(function ($) { 'use strict'; var $window = $(window); var $document = $(document); // constants var namespace = 'viewer'; var element_viewer = document.createelement(namespace); // classes var class_fixed = 'viewer-fixed'; var class_open = 'viewer-open'; var class_show = 'viewer-show'; var class_hide = 'viewer-hide'; var class_hide_xs_down = 'viewer-hide-xs-down'; var class_hide_sm_down = 'viewer-hide-sm-down'; var class_hide_md_down = 'viewer-hide-md-down'; var class_fade = 'viewer-fade'; var class_in = 'viewer-in'; var class_move = 'viewer-move'; var class_active = 'viewer-active'; var class_invisible = 'viewer-invisible'; var class_transition = 'viewer-transition'; var class_fullscreen = 'viewer-fullscreen'; var class_fullscreen_exit = 'viewer-fullscreen-exit'; var class_close = 'viewer-close'; // selectors var selector_img = 'img'; // events var event_mousedown = 'mousedown touchstart pointerdown mspointerdown'; var event_mousemove = 'mousemove touchmove pointermove mspointermove'; var event_mouseup = 'mouseup touchend touchcancel pointerup pointercancel mspointerup mspointercancel'; var event_wheel = 'wheel mousewheel dommousescroll'; var event_transitionend = 'transitionend'; var event_load = 'load.' + namespace; var event_keydown = 'keydown.' + namespace; var event_click = 'click.' + namespace; var event_resize = 'resize.' + namespace; var event_build = 'build.' + namespace; var event_built = 'built.' + namespace; var event_show = 'show.' + namespace; var event_shown = 'shown.' + namespace; var event_hide = 'hide.' + namespace; var event_hidden = 'hidden.' + namespace; var event_view = 'view.' + namespace; var event_viewed = 'viewed.' + namespace; // supports var support_transition = typeof element_viewer.style.transition !== 'undefined'; // others var round = math.round; var sqrt = math.sqrt; var abs = math.abs; var min = math.min; var max = math.max; var num = number; function isstring(s) { return typeof s === 'string'; } function isnumber(n) { return typeof n === 'number' && !isnan(n); } function isundefined(u) { return typeof u === 'undefined'; } function toarray(obj, offset) { var args = []; if (isnumber(offset)) { // it's necessary for ie8 args.push(offset); } return args.slice.apply(obj, args); } // custom proxy to avoid jquery's guid function proxy(fn, context) { var args = toarray(arguments, 2); return function () { return fn.apply(context, args.concat(toarray(arguments))); }; } function gettransform(options) { var transforms = []; var rotate = options.rotate; var scalex = options.scalex; var scaley = options.scaley; if (isnumber(rotate)) { transforms.push('rotate(' + rotate + 'deg)'); } if (isnumber(scalex) && isnumber(scaley)) { transforms.push('scale(' + scalex + ',' + scaley + ')'); } return transforms.length ? transforms.join(' ') : 'none'; } // force reflow to enable css3 transition function forcereflow(element) { return element.offsetwidth; } // e.g.: http://domain.com/path/to/picture.jpg?size=1280×960 -> picture.jpg function getimagename(url) { return isstring(url) ? url.replace(/^.*\//, '').replace(/[\?&#].*$/, '') : ''; } function getimagesize(image, callback) { var newimage; // modern browsers if (image.naturalwidth) { return callback(image.naturalwidth, image.naturalheight); } // ie8: don't use `new image()` here newimage = document.createelement('img'); newimage.onload = function () { callback(this.width, this.height); }; newimage.src = image.src; } function gettouchescenter(touches) { var length = touches.length; var pagex = 0; var pagey = 0; if (length) { $.each(touches, function (i, touch) { pagex += touch.pagex; pagey += touch.pagey; }); pagex /= length; pagey /= length; } return { pagex: pagex, pagey: pagey }; } function getresponsiveclass(option) { switch (option) { case 2: return class_hide_xs_down; case 3: return class_hide_sm_down; case 4: return class_hide_md_down; } } function viewer(element, options) { this.$element = $(element); this.options = $.extend({}, viewer.defaults, $.isplainobject(options) && options); this.isimg = false; this.isbuilt = false; this.isshown = false; this.isviewed = false; this.isfulled = false; this.isplayed = false; this.wheeling = false; this.playing = false; this.fading = false; this.tooltiping = false; this.transitioning = false; this.action = false; this.target = false; this.timeout = false; this.index = 0; this.length = 0; this.init(); } viewer.prototype = { constructor: viewer, init: function () { var options = this.options; var $this = this.$element; var isimg = $this.is(selector_img); var $images = isimg ? $this : $this.find(selector_img); var length = $images.length; var ready = $.proxy(this.ready, this); if (!length) { return; } if ($.isfunction(options.build)) { $this.one(event_build, options.build); } if (this.trigger(event_build).isdefaultprevented()) { return; } // override `transition` option if it is not supported if (!support_transition) { options.transition = false; } this.isimg = isimg; this.length = length; this.count = 0; this.$images = $images; this.$body = $('body'); if (options.inline) { $this.one(event_built, $.proxy(function () { this.view(); }, this)); $images.each(function () { if (this.complete) { ready(); } else { $(this).one(event_load, ready); } }); } else { $this.on(event_click, $.proxy(this.start, this)); } }, ready: function () { this.count++; if (this.count === this.length) { this.build(); } }, build: function () { var options = this.options; var $this = this.$element; var $parent; var $viewer; var $title; var $toolbar; var $navbar; var $button; if (this.isbuilt) { return; } this.$parent = $parent = $this.parent(); this.$viewer = $viewer = $(viewer.template); this.$canvas = $viewer.find('.viewer-canvas'); this.$footer = $viewer.find('.viewer-footer'); this.$title = $title = $viewer.find('.viewer-title'); this.$toolbar = $toolbar = $viewer.find('.viewer-toolbar'); this.$navbar = $navbar = $viewer.find('.viewer-navbar'); this.$button = $button = $viewer.find('.viewer-button'); this.$tooltip = $viewer.find('.viewer-tooltip'); this.$player = $viewer.find('.viewer-player'); this.$list = $viewer.find('.viewer-list'); $title.addclass(!options.title ? class_hide : getresponsiveclass(options.title)); $toolbar.addclass(!options.toolbar ? class_hide : getresponsiveclass(options.toolbar)); $toolbar.find('li[class*=zoom]').toggleclass(class_invisible, !options.zoomable); $toolbar.find('li[class*=flip]').toggleclass(class_invisible, !options.scalable); if (!options.rotatable) { $toolbar.find('li[class*=rotate]').addclass(class_invisible).appendto($toolbar); } $navbar.addclass(!options.navbar ? class_hide : getresponsiveclass(options.navbar)); $button.toggleclass(class_hide, !options.button); if (options.inline) { $button.addclass(class_fullscreen); $viewer.css('z-index', options.zindexinline); if ($parent.css('position') === 'static') { $parent.css('position', 'relative'); } } else { $button.addclass(class_close); $viewer. css('z-index', options.zindex). addclass([class_fixed, class_fade, class_hide].join(' ')); } $this.after($viewer); if (options.inline) { this.render(); this.bind(); this.isshown = true; } this.isbuilt = true; if ($.isfunction(options.built)) { $this.one(event_built, options.built); } this.trigger(event_built); }, unbuild: function () { if (!this.isbuilt) { return; } this.isbuilt = false; this.$viewer.remove(); }, bind: function () { var options = this.options; var $this = this.$element; if ($.isfunction(options.view)) { $this.on(event_view, options.view); } if ($.isfunction(options.viewed)) { $this.on(event_viewed, options.viewed); } this.$viewer. on(event_click, $.proxy(this.click, this)). on(event_wheel, $.proxy(this.wheel, this)); this.$canvas.on(event_mousedown, $.proxy(this.mousedown, this)); $document. on(event_mousemove, (this._mousemove = proxy(this.mousemove, this))). on(event_mouseup, (this._mouseup = proxy(this.mouseup, this))). on(event_keydown, (this._keydown = proxy(this.keydown, this))); $window.on(event_resize, (this._resize = proxy(this.resize, this))); }, unbind: function () { var options = this.options; var $this = this.$element; if ($.isfunction(options.view)) { $this.off(event_view, options.view); } if ($.isfunction(options.viewed)) { $this.off(event_viewed, options.viewed); } this.$viewer. off(event_click, this.click). off(event_wheel, this.wheel); this.$canvas.off(event_mousedown, this.mousedown); $document. off(event_mousemove, this._mousemove). off(event_mouseup, this._mouseup). off(event_keydown, this._keydown); $window.off(event_resize, this._resize); }, render: function () { this.initcontainer(); this.initviewer(); this.initlist(); this.renderviewer(); }, initcontainer: function () { this.container = { width: $window.innerwidth(), height: $window.innerheight() }; }, initviewer: function () { var options = this.options; var $parent = this.$parent; var viewer; if (options.inline) { this.parent = viewer = { width: max($parent.width(), options.minwidth), height: max($parent.height(), options.minheight) }; } if (this.isfulled || !viewer) { viewer = this.container; } this.viewer = $.extend({}, viewer); }, renderviewer: function () { if (this.options.inline && !this.isfulled) { this.$viewer.css(this.viewer); } }, initlist: function () { var options = this.options; var $this = this.$element; var $list = this.$list; var list = []; this.$images.each(function (i) { var src = this.src; var alt = this.alt || getimagename(src); var url = options.url; if (!src) { return; } if (isstring(url)) { url = this.getattribute(url); } else if ($.isfunction(url)) { url = url.call(this, this); } list.push( '
  • ' + '' + '
  • ' ); }); $list.html(list.join('')).find(selector_img).one(event_load, { filled: true }, $.proxy(this.loadimage, this)); this.$items = $list.children(); if (options.transition) { $this.one(event_viewed, function () { $list.addclass(class_transition); }); } }, renderlist: function (index) { var i = index || this.index; var width = this.$items.eq(i).width(); var outerwidth = width + 1; // 1 pixel of `margin-left` width // place the active item in the center of the screen this.$list.css({ width: outerwidth * this.length, marginleft: (this.viewer.width - width) / 2 - outerwidth * i }); }, resetlist: function () { this.$list.empty().removeclass(class_transition).css('margin-left', 0); }, initimage: function (callback) { var options = this.options; var $image = this.$image; var viewer = this.viewer; var footerheight = this.$footer.height(); var viewerwidth = viewer.width; var viewerheight = max(viewer.height - footerheight, footerheight); var oldimage = this.image || {}; getimagesize($image[0], $.proxy(function (naturalwidth, naturalheight) { var aspectratio = naturalwidth / naturalheight; var width = viewerwidth; var height = viewerheight; var initialimage; var image; if (viewerheight * aspectratio > viewerwidth) { height = viewerwidth / aspectratio; } else { width = viewerheight * aspectratio; } width = min(width * 0.9, naturalwidth); height = min(height * 0.9, naturalheight); image = { naturalwidth: naturalwidth, naturalheight: naturalheight, aspectratio: aspectratio, ratio: width / naturalwidth, width: width, height: height, left: (viewerwidth - width) / 2, top: (viewerheight - height) / 2 }; initialimage = $.extend({}, image); if (options.rotatable) { image.rotate = oldimage.rotate || 0; initialimage.rotate = 0; } if (options.scalable) { image.scalex = oldimage.scalex || 1; image.scaley = oldimage.scaley || 1; initialimage.scalex = 1; initialimage.scaley = 1; } this.image = image; this.initialimage = initialimage; if ($.isfunction(callback)) { callback(); } }, this)); }, renderimage: function (callback) { var image = this.image; var $image = this.$image; $image.css({ width: image.width, height: image.height, marginleft: image.left, margintop: image.top, transform: gettransform(image) }); if ($.isfunction(callback)) { if (this.transitioning) { $image.one(event_transitionend, callback); } else { callback(); } } }, resetimage: function () { if (this.$image) { this.$image.remove(); this.$image = null; } }, start: function (e) { var target = e.target; if ($(target).is('img')) { this.target = target; this.show(); } }, click: function (e) { var $target = $(e.target); var action = $target.data('action'); var image = this.image; switch (action) { case 'mix': if (this.isplayed) { this.stop(); } else { if (this.options.inline) { if (this.isfulled) { this.exit(); } else { this.full(); } } else { this.hide(); } } break; case 'view': this.view($target.data('index')); break; case 'zoom-in': this.zoom(0.1, true); break; case 'zoom-out': this.zoom(-0.1, true); break; case 'one-to-one': this.toggle(); break; case 'reset': this.reset(); break; case 'prev': this.prev(); break; case 'play': this.play(); break; case 'next': this.next(); break; case 'rotate-left': this.rotate(-90); break; case 'rotate-right': this.rotate(90); break; case 'flip-horizontal': this.scalex(-image.scalex || -1); break; case 'flip-vertical': this.scaley(-image.scaley || -1); break; default: if (this.isplayed) { this.stop(); } } }, load: function () { var options = this.options; var viewer = this.viewer; var $image = this.$image; if (this.timeout) { cleartimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = false; } $image.removeclass(class_invisible).css('csstext', ( 'width:0;' + 'height:0;' + 'margin-left:' + viewer.width / 2 + 'px;' + 'margin-top:' + viewer.height / 2 + 'px;' + 'max-width:none!important;' + 'visibility:visible;' )); this.initimage($.proxy(function () { $image. toggleclass(class_transition, options.transition). toggleclass(class_move, options.movable); this.renderimage($.proxy(function () { this.isviewed = true; this.trigger(event_viewed); }, this)); }, this)); }, loadimage: function (e) { var image = e.target; var $image = $(image); var $parent = $image.parent(); var parentwidth = $parent.width(); var parentheight = $parent.height(); var filled = e.data && e.data.filled; getimagesize(image, function (naturalwidth, naturalheight) { var aspectratio = naturalwidth / naturalheight; var width = parentwidth; var height = parentheight; if (parentheight * aspectratio > parentwidth) { if (filled) { width = parentheight * aspectratio; } else { height = parentwidth / aspectratio; } } else { if (filled) { height = parentwidth / aspectratio; } else { width = parentheight * aspectratio; } } $image.css({ width: width, height: height, marginleft: (parentwidth - width) / 2, margintop: (parentheight - height) / 2 }); }); }, resize: function () { this.initcontainer(); this.initviewer(); this.renderviewer(); this.renderlist(); if (this.isviewed) { this.initimage($.proxy(function () { this.renderimage(); }, this)); } if (this.isplayed) { this.$player. find(selector_img). one(event_load, $.proxy(this.loadimage, this)). trigger(event_load); } }, wheel: function (event) { var e = event.originalevent || event; var ratio = num(this.options.zoomratio) || 0.1; var delta = 1; if (!this.isviewed) { return; } event.preventdefault(); // limit wheel speed to prevent zoom too fast if (this.wheeling) { return; } this.wheeling = true; settimeout($.proxy(function () { this.wheeling = false; }, this), 50); if (e.deltay) { delta = e.deltay > 0 ? 1 : -1; } else if (e.wheeldelta) { delta = -e.wheeldelta / 120; } else if (e.detail) { delta = e.detail > 0 ? 1 : -1; } this.zoom(-delta * ratio, true, event); }, keydown: function (e) { var options = this.options; var which = e.which; if (!this.isfulled || !options.keyboard) { return; } switch (which) { // (key: esc) case 27: if (this.isplayed) { this.stop(); } else { if (options.inline) { if (this.isfulled) { this.exit(); } } else { this.hide(); } } break; // (key: space) case 32: if (this.isplayed) { this.stop(); } break; // view previous (key: ←) case 37: this.prev(); break; // zoom in (key: ↑) case 38: // prevent scroll on firefox e.preventdefault(); this.zoom(options.zoomratio, true); break; // view next (key: →) case 39: this.next(); break; // zoom out (key: ↓) case 40: // prevent scroll on firefox e.preventdefault(); this.zoom(-options.zoomratio, true); break; // zoom out to initial size (key: ctrl + 0) case 48: // go to next // zoom in to natural size (key: ctrl + 1) case 49: if (e.ctrlkey || e.shiftkey) { e.preventdefault(); this.toggle(); } break; // no default } }, mousedown: function (event) { var options = this.options; var originalevent = event.originalevent; var touches = originalevent && originalevent.touches; var e = event; var action = options.movable ? 'move' : false; var toucheslength; if (!this.isviewed) { return; } if (touches) { toucheslength = touches.length; if (toucheslength > 1) { if (options.zoomable && toucheslength === 2) { e = touches[1]; this.startx2 = e.pagex; this.starty2 = e.pagey; action = 'zoom'; } else { return; } } else { if (this.isswitchable()) { action = 'switch'; } } e = touches[0]; } if (action) { event.preventdefault(); this.action = action; // ie8 has `event.pagex/y`, but not `event.originalevent.pagex/y` // ie10 has `event.originalevent.pagex/y`, but not `event.pagex/y` this.startx = e.pagex || originalevent && originalevent.pagex; this.starty = e.pagey || originalevent && originalevent.pagey; } }, mousemove: function (event) { var options = this.options; var action = this.action; var $image = this.$image; var originalevent = event.originalevent; var touches = originalevent && originalevent.touches; var e = event; var toucheslength; if (!this.isviewed) { return; } if (touches) { toucheslength = touches.length; if (toucheslength > 1) { if (options.zoomable && toucheslength === 2) { e = touches[1]; this.endx2 = e.pagex; this.endy2 = e.pagey; } else { return; } } e = touches[0]; } if (action) { event.preventdefault(); if (action === 'move' && options.transition && $image.hasclass(class_transition)) { $image.removeclass(class_transition); } this.endx = e.pagex || originalevent && originalevent.pagex; this.endy = e.pagey || originalevent && originalevent.pagey; this.change(event); } }, mouseup: function (event) { var action = this.action; if (action) { event.preventdefault(); if (action === 'move' && this.options.transition) { this.$image.addclass(class_transition); } this.action = false; } }, // show the viewer (only available in modal mode) show: function () { var options = this.options; var $viewer; if (options.inline || this.transitioning) { return; } if (!this.isbuilt) { this.build(); } if ($.isfunction(options.show)) { this.$element.one(event_show, options.show); } if (this.trigger(event_show).isdefaultprevented()) { return; } this.$body.addclass(class_open); $viewer = this.$viewer.removeclass(class_hide); this.$element.one(event_shown, $.proxy(function () { this.view(this.target ? this.$images.index(this.target) : this.index); this.target = false; }, this)); if (options.transition) { this.transitioning = true; $viewer.addclass(class_transition); forcereflow($viewer[0]); $viewer.one(event_transitionend, $.proxy(this.shown, this)).addclass(class_in); } else { $viewer.addclass(class_in); this.shown(); } }, // hide the viewer (only available in modal mode) hide: function () { var options = this.options; var $viewer = this.$viewer; if (options.inline || this.transitioning || !this.isshown) { return; } if ($.isfunction(options.hide)) { this.$element.one(event_hide, options.hide); } if (this.trigger(event_hide).isdefaultprevented()) { return; } if (this.isviewed && options.transition) { this.transitioning = true; this.$image.one(event_transitionend, $.proxy(function () { $viewer.one(event_transitionend, $.proxy(this.hidden, this)).removeclass(class_in); }, this)); this.zoomto(0, false, false, true); } else { $viewer.removeclass(class_in); this.hidden(); } }, /** * view one of the images with image's index * * @param {number} index */ view: function (index) { var $title = this.$title; var $image; var $item; var $img; var url; var alt; index = number(index) || 0; if (!this.isshown || this.isplayed || index < 0 || index >= this.length || this.isviewed && index === this.index) { return; } if (this.trigger(event_view).isdefaultprevented()) { return; } $item = this.$items.eq(index); $img = $item.find(selector_img); url = $img.data('originalurl'); alt = $img.attr('alt'); this.$image = $image = $('' + alt + ''); if (this.isviewed) { this.$items.eq(this.index).removeclass(class_active); } $item.addclass(class_active); this.isviewed = false; this.index = index; this.image = null; this.$canvas.html($image.addclass(class_invisible)); // center current item this.renderlist(); // clear title $title.empty(); // generate title after viewed this.$element.one(event_viewed, $.proxy(function () { var image = this.image; var width = image.naturalwidth; var height = image.naturalheight; $title.html(alt); }, this)); if ($image[0].complete) { this.load(); } else { $image.one(event_load, $.proxy(this.load, this)); if (this.timeout) { cleartimeout(this.timeout); } // make the image visible if it fails to load within 1s this.timeout = settimeout($.proxy(function () { $image.removeclass(class_invisible); this.timeout = false; }, this), 1000); } }, // view the previous image prev: function () { this.view(max(this.index - 1, 0)); }, // view the next image next: function () { this.view(min(this.index + 1, this.length - 1)); }, /** * move the image with relative offsets * * @param {number} offsetx * @param {number} offsety (optional) */ move: function (offsetx, offsety) { var image = this.image; this.moveto( isundefined(offsetx) ? offsetx : image.left + num(offsetx), isundefined(offsety) ? offsety : image.top + num(offsety) ); }, /** * move the image to an absolute point * * @param {number} x * @param {number} y (optional) */ moveto: function (x, y) { var image = this.image; var changed = false; // if "y" is not present, its default value is "x" if (isundefined(y)) { y = x; } x = num(x); y = num(y); if (this.isviewed && !this.isplayed && this.options.movable) { if (isnumber(x)) { image.left = x; changed = true; } if (isnumber(y)) { image.top = y; changed = true; } if (changed) { this.renderimage(); } } }, /** * zoom the image with a relative ratio * * @param {number} ratio * @param {boolean} hastooltip (optional) * @param {jquery event} _event (private) */ zoom: function (ratio, hastooltip, _event) { var image = this.image; ratio = num(ratio); if (ratio < 0) { ratio = 1 / (1 - ratio); } else { ratio = 1 + ratio; } this.zoomto(image.width * ratio / image.naturalwidth, hastooltip, _event); }, /** * zoom the image to an absolute ratio * * @param {number} ratio * @param {boolean} hastooltip (optional) * @param {jquery event} _event (private) * @param {boolean} _zoomable (private) */ zoomto: function (ratio, hastooltip, _event, _zoomable) { var options = this.options; var minzoomratio = 0.01; var maxzoomratio = 100; var image = this.image; var width = image.width; var height = image.height; var originalevent; var newwidth; var newheight; var offset; var center; ratio = max(0, ratio); if (isnumber(ratio) && this.isviewed && !this.isplayed && (_zoomable || options.zoomable)) { if (!_zoomable) { minzoomratio = max(minzoomratio, options.minzoomratio); maxzoomratio = min(maxzoomratio, options.maxzoomratio); ratio = min(max(ratio, minzoomratio), maxzoomratio); } if (ratio > 0.95 && ratio < 1.05) { ratio = 1; } newwidth = image.naturalwidth * ratio; newheight = image.naturalheight * ratio; if (_event && (originalevent = _event.originalevent)) { offset = this.$viewer.offset(); center = originalevent.touches ? gettouchescenter(originalevent.touches) : { pagex: _event.pagex || originalevent.pagex || 0, pagey: _event.pagey || originalevent.pagey || 0 }; // zoom from the triggering point of the event image.left -= (newwidth - width) * ( ((center.pagex - offset.left) - image.left) / width ); image.top -= (newheight - height) * ( ((center.pagey - offset.top) - image.top) / height ); } else { // zoom from the center of the image image.left -= (newwidth - width) / 2; image.top -= (newheight - height) / 2; } image.width = newwidth; image.height = newheight; image.ratio = ratio; this.renderimage(); if (hastooltip) { this.tooltip(); } } }, /** * rotate the image with a relative degree * * @param {number} degree */ rotate: function (degree) { this.rotateto((this.image.rotate || 0) + num(degree)); }, /** * rotate the image to an absolute degree * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-us/docs/web/css/transform-function#rotate() * * @param {number} degree */ rotateto: function (degree) { var image = this.image; degree = num(degree); if (isnumber(degree) && this.isviewed && !this.isplayed && this.options.rotatable) { image.rotate = degree; this.renderimage(); } }, /** * scale the image * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-us/docs/web/css/transform-function#scale() * * @param {number} scalex * @param {number} scaley (optional) */ scale: function (scalex, scaley) { var image = this.image; var changed = false; // if "scaley" is not present, its default value is "scalex" if (isundefined(scaley)) { scaley = scalex; } scalex = num(scalex); scaley = num(scaley); if (this.isviewed && !this.isplayed && this.options.scalable) { if (isnumber(scalex)) { image.scalex = scalex; changed = true; } if (isnumber(scaley)) { image.scaley = scaley; changed = true; } if (changed) { this.renderimage(); } } }, /** * scale the abscissa of the image * * @param {number} scalex */ scalex: function (scalex) { this.scale(scalex, this.image.scaley); }, /** * scale the ordinate of the image * * @param {number} scaley */ scaley: function (scaley) { this.scale(this.image.scalex, scaley); }, // play the images play: function () { var options = this.options; var $player = this.$player; var load = $.proxy(this.loadimage, this); var list = []; var total = 0; var index = 0; var playing; if (!this.isshown || this.isplayed) { return; } if (options.fullscreen) { this.requestfullscreen(); } this.isplayed = true; $player.addclass(class_show); this.$items.each(function (i) { var $this = $(this); var $img = $this.find(selector_img); var $image = $('' + $img.attr('alt') + ''); total++; $image.addclass(class_fade).toggleclass(class_transition, options.transition); if ($this.hasclass(class_active)) { $image.addclass(class_in); index = i; } list.push($image); $image.one(event_load, { filled: false }, load); $player.append($image); }); if (isnumber(options.interval) && options.interval > 0) { playing = $.proxy(function () { this.playing = settimeout(function () { list[index].removeclass(class_in); index++; index = index < total ? index : 0; list[index].addclass(class_in); playing(); }, options.interval); }, this); if (total > 1) { playing(); } } }, // stop play stop: function () { if (!this.isplayed) { return; } if (this.options.fullscreen) { this.exitfullscreen(); } this.isplayed = false; cleartimeout(this.playing); this.$player.removeclass(class_show).empty(); }, // enter modal mode (only available in inline mode) full: function () { var options = this.options; var $image = this.$image; var $list = this.$list; if (!this.isshown || this.isplayed || this.isfulled || !options.inline) { return; } this.isfulled = true; this.$body.addclass(class_open); this.$button.addclass(class_fullscreen_exit); if (options.transition) { $image.removeclass(class_transition); $list.removeclass(class_transition); } this.$viewer.addclass(class_fixed).removeattr('style').css('z-index', options.zindex); this.initcontainer(); this.viewer = $.extend({}, this.container); this.renderlist(); this.initimage($.proxy(function () { this.renderimage(function () { if (options.transition) { settimeout(function () { $image.addclass(class_transition); $list.addclass(class_transition); }, 0); } }); }, this)); }, // exit modal mode (only available in inline mode) exit: function () { var options = this.options; var $image = this.$image; var $list = this.$list; if (!this.isfulled) { return; } this.isfulled = false; this.$body.removeclass(class_open); this.$button.removeclass(class_fullscreen_exit); if (options.transition) { $image.removeclass(class_transition); $list.removeclass(class_transition); } this.$viewer.removeclass(class_fixed).css('z-index', options.zindexinline); this.viewer = $.extend({}, this.parent); this.renderviewer(); this.renderlist(); this.initimage($.proxy(function () { this.renderimage(function () { if (options.transition) { settimeout(function () { $image.addclass(class_transition); $list.addclass(class_transition); }, 0); } }); }, this)); }, // show the current ratio of the image with percentage tooltip: function () { var options = this.options; var $tooltip = this.$tooltip; var image = this.image; var classes = [ class_show, class_fade, class_transition ].join(' '); if (!this.isviewed || this.isplayed || !options.tooltip) { return; } $tooltip.text(round(image.ratio * 100) + '%'); if (!this.tooltiping) { if (options.transition) { if (this.fading) { $tooltip.trigger(event_transitionend); } $tooltip.addclass(classes); forcereflow($tooltip[0]); $tooltip.addclass(class_in); } else { $tooltip.addclass(class_show); } } else { cleartimeout(this.tooltiping); } this.tooltiping = settimeout($.proxy(function () { if (options.transition) { $tooltip.one(event_transitionend, $.proxy(function () { $tooltip.removeclass(classes); this.fading = false; }, this)).removeclass(class_in); this.fading = true; } else { $tooltip.removeclass(class_show); } this.tooltiping = false; }, this), 1000); }, // toggle the image size between its natural size and initial size toggle: function () { if (this.image.ratio === 1) { this.zoomto(this.initialimage.ratio, true); } else { this.zoomto(1, true); } }, // reset the image to its initial state reset: function () { if (this.isviewed && !this.isplayed) { this.image = $.extend({}, this.initialimage); this.renderimage(); } }, // update viewer when images changed update: function () { var $this = this.$element; var $images = this.$images; var indexes = []; var index; if (this.isimg) { // destroy viewer if the target image was deleted if (!$this.parent().length) { return this.destroy(); } } else { this.$images = $images = $this.find(selector_img); this.length = $images.length; } if (this.isbuilt) { $.each(this.$items, function (i) { var img = $(this).find('img')[0]; var image = $images[i]; if (image) { if (image.src !== img.src) { indexes.push(i); } } else { indexes.push(i); } }); this.$list.width('auto'); this.initlist(); if (this.isshown) { if (this.length) { if (this.isviewed) { index = $.inarray(this.index, indexes); if (index >= 0) { this.isviewed = false; this.view(max(this.index - (index + 1), 0)); } else { this.$items.eq(this.index).addclass(class_active); } } } else { this.$image = null; this.isviewed = false; this.index = 0; this.image = null; this.$canvas.empty(); this.$title.empty(); } } } }, // destroy the viewer destroy: function () { var $this = this.$element; if (this.options.inline) { this.unbind(); } else { if (this.isshown) { this.unbind(); } $this.off(event_click, this.start); } this.unbuild(); $this.removedata(namespace); }, // a shortcut for triggering custom events trigger: function (type, data) { var e = $.event(type, data); this.$element.trigger(e); return e; }, shown: function () { var options = this.options; this.transitioning = false; this.isfulled = true; this.isshown = true; this.isvisible = true; this.render(); this.bind(); if ($.isfunction(options.shown)) { this.$element.one(event_shown, options.shown); } this.trigger(event_shown); }, hidden: function () { var options = this.options; this.transitioning = false; this.isviewed = false; this.isfulled = false; this.isshown = false; this.isvisible = false; this.unbind(); this.$body.removeclass(class_open); this.$viewer.addclass(class_hide); this.resetlist(); this.resetimage(); if ($.isfunction(options.hidden)) { this.$element.one(event_hidden, options.hidden); } this.trigger(event_hidden); }, requestfullscreen: function () { var documentelement = document.documentelement; if (this.isfulled && !document.fullscreenelement && !document.mozfullscreenelement && !document.webkitfullscreenelement && !document.msfullscreenelement) { if (documentelement.requestfullscreen) { documentelement.requestfullscreen(); } else if (documentelement.msrequestfullscreen) { documentelement.msrequestfullscreen(); } else if (documentelement.mozrequestfullscreen) { documentelement.mozrequestfullscreen(); } else if (documentelement.webkitrequestfullscreen) { documentelement.webkitrequestfullscreen(element.allow_keyboard_input); } } }, exitfullscreen: function () { if (this.isfulled) { if (document.exitfullscreen) { document.exitfullscreen(); } else if (document.msexitfullscreen) { document.msexitfullscreen(); } else if (document.mozcancelfullscreen) { document.mozcancelfullscreen(); } else if (document.webkitexitfullscreen) { document.webkitexitfullscreen(); } } }, change: function (event) { var offsetx = this.endx - this.startx; var offsety = this.endy - this.starty; switch (this.action) { // move the current image case 'move': this.move(offsetx, offsety); break; // zoom the current image case 'zoom': this.zoom(function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { var z1 = sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1); var z2 = sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2); return (z2 - z1) / z1; }( abs(this.startx - this.startx2), abs(this.starty - this.starty2), abs(this.endx - this.endx2), abs(this.endy - this.endy2) ), false, event); this.startx2 = this.endx2; this.starty2 = this.endy2; break; case 'switch': this.action = 'switched'; if (abs(offsetx) > abs(offsety)) { if (offsetx > 1) { this.prev(); } else if (offsetx < -1) { this.next(); } } break; // no default } // override this.startx = this.endx; this.starty = this.endy; }, isswitchable: function () { var image = this.image; var viewer = this.viewer; return (image.left >= 0 && image.top >= 0 && image.width <= viewer.width && image.height <= viewer.height); } }; viewer.defaults = { // enable inline mode inline: false, // show the button on the top-right of the viewer button: true, // show the navbar navbar: true, // show the title title: true, // show the toolbar toolbar: true, // show the tooltip with image ratio (percentage) when zoom in or zoom out tooltip: true, // enable to move the image movable: true, // enable to zoom the image zoomable: true, // enable to rotate the image rotatable: true, // enable to scale the image scalable: true, // enable css3 transition for some special elements transition: true, // enable to request fullscreen when play fullscreen: true, // enable keyboard support keyboard: true, // define interval of each image when playing interval: 5000, // min width of the viewer in inline mode minwidth: 200, // min height of the viewer in inline mode minheight: 100, // define the ratio when zoom the image by wheeling mouse zoomratio: 0.1, // define the min ratio of the image when zoom out minzoomratio: 0.01, // define the max ratio of the image when zoom in maxzoomratio: 100, // define the css `z-index` value of viewer in modal mode. zindex: 2015, // define the css `z-index` value of viewer in inline mode. zindexinline: 0, // define where to get the original image url for viewing // type: string (an image attribute) or function (should return an image url) url: 'src', // event shortcuts build: null, built: null, show: null, shown: null, hide: null, hidden: null, view: null, viewed: null }; viewer.setdefaults = function (options) { $.extend(viewer.defaults, options); }; viewer.template = ( '
    ' + '
    ' + '' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    ' ); // save the other viewer viewer.other = $.fn.viewer; // register as jquery plugin $.fn.viewer = function (options) { var args = toarray(arguments, 1); var result; this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data(namespace); var fn; if (!data) { if (/destroy|hide|exit|stop|reset/.test(options)) { return; } $this.data(namespace, (data = new viewer(this, options))); } if (isstring(options) && $.isfunction(fn = data[options])) { result = fn.apply(data, args); } }); return isundefined(result) ? this : result; }; $.fn.viewer.constructor = viewer; $.fn.viewer.setdefaults = viewer.setdefaults; // no conflict $.fn.viewer.noconflict = function () { $.fn.viewer = viewer.other; return this; }; });